Should You Avoid Dating During a Divorce?

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Going through a divorce is stressful, so it is easy to see why you might be drawn to dating during this time. This is especially true if you are feeling lonely or think that seeing someone new may help you get over your ex-spouse. From both an emotional and legal standpoint, it would be best to avoid dating until your divorce has been finalized. Today, we go over why you should hold off on dating someone new until your divorce papers have been signed.

Why it Is Important to Wait for Your Divorce to Finalize Before Dating Again

Dating while not legally divorced is still adultery

In Maryland, committing adultery could impact your divorce. If one parent is spending more time with his/her new boyfriend or girlfriend that was supposed to be time spent with the children, your spouse could use this information against you in court. Additionally, if you are spending a significant amount of money on your new love, the court could see this as wasteful dissipation of marital assets.

Dating could impact your ability to settle your case amicably

Dating someone new mid-divorce could really upset your spouse. He/she could retaliate and refuse to agree to settle out of jealousy. This could lead to a lengthier litigated divorce.

Adultery could impact asset and property division and spousal support

In Maryland, adultery is not likely to have an impact on the division of marital assets and spousal support. However, if one spouse has spent a significant amount of money on their new boyfriend/girlfriend purchasing expensive trips, gifts, and other items, the court will not look on this favorably. This could hurt the other spouse financially and therefore may be considered when awarding spousal support.

Dating could affect your ability to co-parent effectively

Your children will need lots of love and quality time as you navigate your divorce as this will be a confusing and emotional time for them. Dating could take time away from your children. As you will need to tend to a full schedule with court dates, attorney meetings, and so much more, you should use your free time with them. Also, introducing your children to a new person that you are dating before you are divorced might hurt their feelings. They could harbor resentment towards you and may be very confused by the whole ordeal.

Dating could distract you from dealing with the divorce

You will be processing through a lot of emotions as you go forward with your divorce. If you start dating during a divorce, you might not have the time that is needed to emotionally process the ending of your marriage and all the feelings that might come up. You might also make the same mistakes you made in your marriage in this new relationship. It would be best to postpone dating until you are in a better emotional place.

Contact Our Office to Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Divorce Case

Divorce is never easy to go through and takes time to process emotionally. At the Law Office of Nicholas T. Exarhakis, we understand how hard this time may be for you, which is why we are happy to support you. We provide compassionate, tailored legal services to assist you with all your divorce needs.

Get started on your divorce case today by reaching out to our firm online or calling us at (410) 593-0040.

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